Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dissolving Detroit - Yellow

In Detroit, Michigan you can cover anything with paint. Yellow is a very popular. Industrial grade Yellow – found on factory floors, shouts safety and durability. Yellow has always been significant in advertising. The Yellow Pages Book originated in Detroit.

For retail, Yellow is the color of choice. Liquor stores are addicted to a yellow base coat at minimum, with strong graphics laid on top. Brightness adds security. You can easily see the store late at night, on grey days, and against the snow. On clear days yellow POPS in various shades.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dissolving Detroit

I spent three hours with Berlin, Germany director Matthias Hoene walking around the enormous McLouth Steel Plant in August, 2010. The plant construction began in 1948 and the steel began production in 1954. The plant ran until 1996 and now sits in ruins. At its production peak the plant was the second largest user of electricity in Michigan. City of Detroit was first.